Typical Etching + PVD Process Solution Analysis
Part Name
Quality Requirements
Process Solution Analysis
Why Choose Etching+PVD Process Solution

✳ no burrs, no scratch, no spot, no deformation, no oil contamination.
✳ Material stainless steel SUS 304 Full Hard, thickness=0.3mm.
✳ Surface should be smooth as it is used for face massage.
✳ Tolerance +/-0.05.
✳ Solution A: Stamping, need to develop toolings, and would have burrs, sample cost expensive.
✳ Solution C: Laser Cutting, production cost is expensive.
✳ Solution C: Etching+PVD.
✳ No tooling cost, can change shape easily.
✳ Burr free, can make sharp edg.
✳ PVD coating layer is friction resistant.
✳ PVD can do many coating color, such as silvery, black, gold, and rainbow color.
Face Beauty Massage Blade
Face Beauty Message Blade Etching+Stamping Process Solution Details

1. Make The Blades By Etching
2. PVD Do Surface Treatment
3. PVD Coating Layer Is Friction Resistant
4. Multiple Color Available
Part Name |
Quality Requirements |
Process Solution Analysis |
Why Choose Etching+PVD Process Solution |
✳ no burrs, no scratch, no spot, no deformation, no oil contamination. ✳ Material stainless steel SUS 304 Full Hard, thickness=0.3mm. ✳ Surface should be smooth as it is used for face massage. ✳ Tolerance +/-0.05. |
✳ Solution A: Stamping, need to develop toolings, and would have burrs, sample cost expensive. ✳ Solution C: Laser Cutting, production cost is expensive. ✳ Solution C: Etching+PVD. |
✳ No tooling cost, can change shape easily. ✳ Burr free, can make sharp edg. ✳ PVD coating layer is friction resistant. ✳ PVD can do many coating color, such as silvery, black, gold, and rainbow color. |
Face Beauty Massage Blade |
Face Beauty Message Blade Etching+Stamping Process Solution Details |
1. Make The Blades By Etching |
2. PVD Do Surface Treatment |
3. PVD Coating Layer Is Friction Resistant |
4. Multiple Color Available |
What Is PVD?