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Application of Powder Injection Molding

Time:2023-06-24 Views:326

Powder injection molding (PIM), including metal injection molding (MIM) and ceramic injection molding (CIM), is an advanced molding technology that can generate a large number of shape components from powder. This process uses injection molding technology to produce a large number of shape components with high accuracy.


With the rapid rise of powder injection molding (PIM) industry in China, it has been widely used. Because of its special processing technology and certain technical barriers, PIM has not been widely used in this industry in China in the past. However, in recent years, the ceramic and metal industries have begun to move towards a more high-end route, so PIM is more suitable in terms of quantity and processing method. In the future, PIM will be in a period of rapid development. What are the main applications in the industry?


1 3C industry

Nowadays, the application of MIM is becoming more and more popular in the 3C industry. From the mobile phone vibrator to the current card slot and charger metal parts, the 3C industry generally takes the quantity first, so it is more suitable for MIM.


2 Medical industry

In the medical industry, MIM is also widely used. Some medical tools are mostly made with MIM technology, and CIM is also used, such as living forceps for gastroscope, ceramic scalpel, surgical forceps, tooth clamps, etc.


3 Automobile industry

PIM is widely used in the automobile industry, such as turbines, rotors, etc., and its structure is relatively complex, so it is more suitable to use PIM for production.


4 Communication industry

The base of optical soldering and the joint of optical soldering can be made by PIM process, which has a huge replacement demand in China in the future.


5 Lighting industry

The alumina burner is used more often in CIM, which requires a large amount and has a complex structure.


6 Lock industry

In the lock manufacturing process, PIM process is very suitable.