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Etching FAQ

Etching Differences Between Aluminum and Stainless Steel

Time:2023-06-25 Views:304

Customers often ask us if we can etch aluminum materials. Here we show you the difference between aluminum etching and stainless steel etching.


Aluminum is relatively active in the process of metal etching, and the liquid medicine reaction will generate a lot of heat, and the reaction is very active. The aluminum fading ink needs to use nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, etc. The smell of nitric acid is relatively large, and hydrofluoric acid has very high toxicity, and the requirements for environmental protection are very high. Compared with aluminum alloy materials, stainless steel is not easy to oxidize in the air, and the etching solution uses ferric chloride with strong oxidation, Corrosion of the stainless steel metal surface. The specific operation process is to form an anticorrosive coating on the part of the stainless steel metal that needs to be protected through photosensitive ink, put it on the iron trichloride assembly line, and then remove the protective film through cleaning agent. The etching methods of stainless steel can be immersion etching and spray etching.