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What is dry etching?

Time:2023-12-17 Views:339
Dry etching is an important technology for manufacturing microelectronic devices and integrated circuits. In the process of dry etching, plasma is used for etching to remove a part of the surface of the material. This technology can be used to manufacture microelectronic devices and integrated circuits of various sizes, such as micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS).
First, the principle of dry etching
The principle of dry etching is based on the interaction between plasma and material surface. In the process of dry etching, high-energy plasma bombards the surface of materials, so that atoms or molecules on the surface of materials are activated or ionized. These activated or ionized atoms or molecules react chemically with the surface of the material to generate volatile substances, which are removed.
Second, the advantages of dry etching
High precision: dry etching can accurately control the depth and shape of etching, thus achieving high-precision microelectronic device and integrated circuit manufacturing.
High efficiency: dry etching has a high etching rate, which can greatly shorten the manufacturing time and improve the production efficiency.
Environmental protection: compared with wet etching, dry etching does not need to use chemical reagents, which reduces the impact of waste liquid discharge on the environment.
Can process a variety of materials: dry etching can process a variety of materials, including metals, ceramics, silicon and so on.
Third, the application of dry etching
Microelectronic device manufacturing: In microelectronic device manufacturing, dry etching is widely used to manufacture microelectronic devices and integrated circuits of various sizes, such as memories, logic circuits and sensors.
MEMS and NEMS manufacturing: In MEMS and NEMS manufacturing, dry etching is widely used to manufacture various micro-sized mechanical structures and sensors.
Biomedical applications: In biomedical applications, dry etching is widely used to manufacture various biomedical devices, such as artificial organs and biosensors.
Nanotechnology: In nanotechnology, dry etching is widely used to manufacture various nano-sized structures and devices, such as nanowires and nanotubes.
Fourth, the challenge of dry etching
High equipment cost: dry etching requires the use of high-precision equipment and high-energy plasma source, so the equipment cost is high.
High machining accuracy: In the manufacturing of microelectronic devices and integrated circuits, the machining accuracy is very high, so it is necessary to continuously improve the machining accuracy of dry etching.
Difficult process control: In the process of dry etching, the properties of plasma and material surface will affect the etching effect, so it is difficult to control the process.
Safety: In the process of dry etching, plasma may cause harm to human body, so corresponding safety measures need to be taken.
V. Future development trend
With the continuous development of science and technology, dry etching technology is also improving and perfecting. In the future, dry etching technology will develop in the following aspects:
High precision: With the continuous improvement of precision requirements for microelectronic devices and integrated circuits manufacturing, dry etching technology will continuously improve the processing accuracy.
Efficiency: With the improvement of production efficiency, dry etching technology will continuously improve the etching rate and production efficiency.
Multifunctional: With the continuous expansion of application fields, dry etching technology will have more functions and application scope.
Environmental protection: With the continuous improvement of environmental awareness, dry etching technology will pay more attention to environmental protection and sustainable development.