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Etching FAQ

Etching FAQ

Time:2023-06-24 Views:282

1. Question: Is the etching hole wall vertical? Is there any burr?

Answer: The effect of the hole wall processed by the etching process is related to the thickness of the material. The thinner the thickness is, the hole wall is vertical, without curls and burrs.


2. Question: Can the customer accept that the etching process will produce connection points?

Answer: There will be connection points in the plane etching products. Thin material: 0.1~0.3m thick material, the size of connection point is about 0.5mm, and the connection point of products using thick material increases accordingly. The connection point shall be placed on the parallel straight edge of the product as far as possible. There are two types of connection point design: convex type and notch type. General functional products are designed to be concave, and appearance products are designed to be convex, with the connection point removed.


3. Question: What is the semi-etching depth and precision of semi-etching products?

Answer: The depth of the semi-etched product can be controlled, and the shallowest depth can reach 0.05mm until the etching is completed. The depth accuracy tolerance can reach+/-0.0075 mm.


4. Question: What is the minimum size of the hole that can be etched, and what is the spacing and accuracy of the hole?

Answer: The minimum opening is related to the material thickness. At present, the minimum opening that can be made is 0.1mm, but the material thickness must be 0.03-0.05mm. For example, 0.1mm hole spacing can be made for 0.1-thick stainless steel. The maximum depth accuracy is+/-0.0075mm. Correspondingly, the thicker the material, the larger the opening and the wider the spacing between holes. Generally, the ratio of opening to thickness is: ∮=1.5 * T.


5. Question: How thick steel can be etched by the etching process?

Answer: The thinner the material, the shorter the etching time, the higher the productivity and precision. Generally, the thickness of 0.05-0.3mm is the most easily etched, and the thickness less than 0.05 is too thin, easy to break and deform. The etching time of the thickness greater than 0.5 is long, easy to scrap and low productivity!


6. Question: What are the materials of metal etching?

Answer: The etching we refer to is chemical etching. In theory, all metals can be etched, but metals of different materials need to be etched with corresponding chemical solution. The commonly used metals for etching are stainless steel, copper alloy, titanium alloy, etc. The commonly used metals for etching are 304, 301, 316, etc. for stainless steel, C5191, C5210, C7701, H65, H63, etc. for copper alloys, and aluminum alloy, titanium alloy, etc. for special metals. Different potions can be prepared for etching special metals.


7. Question: How long is the delivery time of etching?

Answer: The delivery time of etching samples is generally 1-3 days, and the delivery time of batch orders is 5-7 days.


8. Question: What is the maximum size of etching?

Answer: The maximum area that our company can etch is 800 * 1000mm, which is related to the size of the exposure machine and etching machine in the production process.


9. Question: What is the difference between etching and stamping?

Answer: Etching is the extension of stamping process. Etching can solve the precision and half-etching effect that stamping process cannot achieve! The cost of mass production of stamping is low, and the cost of mass production of etching is relatively high, but there is no need to open a mold at the proofing stage, and it is good to be flat.


10. Question: What is the best process for hardware processing?

Answer: Generally, the accuracy requirement is not high and the quantity is large, so stamping is selected; High precision, small batch etching process is the best!

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