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Characteristics of Laser Cutting Process

Time:2023-06-25 Views:346

Laser cutting process is a kind of non-contact processing with high energy density and good controllability. The principle is to focus the laser beam into a spot with a diameter of less than 0.1mm, so that the power density at the focal point can exceed 107W108W/M2. The irradiated material is quickly heated to the vaporization temperature and evaporates to form small holes, so as to meet the requirements of the cutting process.


In processing, due to the characteristics of the laser itself, it has a wide range of applications. The specific characteristics are mainly reflected in: high monochromaticity and high coherence: all the optical radiation emitted by the laser is only concentrated in a small frequency range. The monochromaticity is extremely high, and the dispersion effect of the focusing lens is almost completely eliminated, so that the beam can be accurately focused to the focal point and a high power density is obtained. These two points are important conditions for laser processing.


In addition, the high directivity of laser cutting processing is mainly determined by the stimulated emission mechanism and the limiting effect of the optical resonant cavity on the direction of the oscillating beam. The high directivity of Wenzhou laser cutting processing enables the laser to effectively transmit a long distance and focus to a very high power density. These two points are important conditions for laser processing.


As for the laser‘s light-emitting cross-section and three-dimensional dispersion angle are very small, but the output power is very large, and its brightness is much higher than the brightness of the sun. After being focused by the transmission lens, it can generate thousands of degrees or even tens of thousands of degrees near the focal point. Therefore, almost all materials can be processed.