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Common Types of Laser Cutting

Time:2023-06-25 Views:374

Generally speaking, the forms and types of laser cutting can be divided into the following types:


(1) Laser Vaporization Cutting

It is to use a high-energy density laser beam to heat the workpiece, so that the temperature of the cutting site rises rapidly, so that the material can reach the boiling point temperature in a short time, and then it vaporizes to form steam, and at the same time, it can form an incision. Release a lot of heat of vaporization. This cutting method is mainly used for cutting thin metal materials and non-metal materials.


(2) Laser Melting and Cutting

It is the use of laser to heat the metal to melt the metal material and form an incision. Since it does not need to vaporize the metal completely, its energy only needs to be one-tenth that of vaporized cutting. Its application is mainly for cutting some non-oxidizable materials and active metals.


(3) Laser Oxygen Cutting

It is similar to the principle of oxyacetylene cutting, using oxygen as the cutting gas. Its application is mainly to cut some easily oxidized metal materials.