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PVD coated stainless steel: process, properties and application

Time:2023-12-24 Views:382
1. Definition and origin of PVD coated stainless steel
PVD, called physical vapor deposition, is an advanced surface treatment technology. The coating formed on the surface of stainless steel by PVD technology can significantly improve the corrosion resistance, wear resistance and aesthetics of stainless steel. This technology has been widely used and deeply studied in the past decades.
PVD coated stainless steel, that is, stainless steel material with coating on the surface of stainless steel by PVD technology, combines the advantages of toughness of stainless steel and hardness and corrosion resistance of PVD coating.
Second, the manufacturing process of PVD coated stainless steel
The manufacture of PVD coated stainless steel mainly includes the following steps:
Pretreatment: clean the stainless steel to remove dirt and grease on the surface to ensure the surface is clean.
Vacuum environment: Before coating is deposited, stainless steel needs to be placed in a high vacuum environment.
Coating deposition: in vacuum environment, the gaseous atoms or molecules of the required coating material are deposited on the surface of stainless steel by physical methods to form a dense coating.
Post-treatment: clean and dry the stainless steel after coating deposition to ensure the stability and aesthetics of the coating.

Third, the performance characteristics of PVD coated stainless steel
High corrosion resistance: PVD coating has good corrosion resistance and can effectively resist the corrosion of chemicals such as acid, alkali and salt.
High hardness: PVD coating has high hardness, which can effectively improve the wear resistance of stainless steel.
Strong adhesion: PVD coating has strong adhesion with stainless steel substrate and is not easy to fall off.
High aesthetics: PVD coating has high gloss, which can significantly improve the aesthetics of stainless steel products.
Long life: Due to the excellent performance of PVD coating, PVD coated stainless steel has a long service life.
Iv. Application fields of PVD coated stainless steel
Due to its excellent properties, PVD coated stainless steel has a wide range of applications:
Chemical industry: In the chemical industry, many equipments need to withstand the corrosion of chemicals such as acid, alkali and salt. PVD coated stainless steel can effectively resist these corrosion and improve the service life of equipment.
Food industry: In the food industry, the equipment needs to be cleaned frequently. The high corrosion resistance and hardness of PVD coated stainless steel can ensure the service life and safety of the equipment.
Decoration industry: PVD coated stainless steel has high gloss and beauty, and is often used to manufacture high-grade decorative materials and household items.
Medical devices: PVD coated stainless steel is widely used in the manufacture of medical devices because of its excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.
Aerospace: In the aerospace field, PVD coated stainless steel is widely used in the manufacture of aircraft and rockets because of its high corrosion resistance, high hardness and light weight.
Automobile industry: In the automobile industry, PVD coated stainless steel is widely used to manufacture automobile parts, such as automobile exhaust system and automobile wheel hub, to improve the appearance and corrosion resistance of products.
Electronic products: In electronic products, PVD coated stainless steel is used to manufacture metal shells, connectors, springs and other components to improve the corrosion resistance and protection of products.
Other fields: In addition to the above fields, PVD coated stainless steel is also widely used in watch manufacturing, jewelry manufacturing, tool manufacturing and other fields.
V. Conclusion

With the continuous development of science and technology, PVD coated stainless steel, as an advanced surface treatment technology, will have a broader application prospect. In the future, with the in-depth research and technological innovation of PVD coated stainless steel, its application in various fields will be more extensive and in-depth. At the same time, we should also realize that the performance and application of any material or technology are affected by many factors, so we should fully consider its scope of application and restrictions in the process of use to ensure its performance is fully exerted.
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