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How to Choose Metal Etching Factory

Time:2023-12-24 Views:277
Metal etching is an ancient and exquisite process, which can process metal materials into various complex and fine shapes. This technology is widely used in aviation, aerospace, electronics, automobiles, medical care and precision manufacturing. This paper will introduce the basic principle, technological process, application field and manufacturer selection of metal etching to help you better understand this industry.
1, the basic principle of metal etching processing
The basic principle of metal etching is to use chemical reaction to corrode the metal through the reaction between corrosive liquid and metal surface, thus forming the required shape. During the etching process, the metal surface is eroded by chemicals in the etching solution, forming soluble corrosion products, which will be removed, leaving the metal part with the required shape.
2, the metal etching process
Making the original mold: according to the design drawings or objects, making the original mold with the required shape. The material of the master mold can be gypsum, wax, rubber and other materials that are easy to demould.
Coating photosensitive adhesive: coating photosensitive adhesive on the metal surface to make it firmly adhere to the metal surface.
Exposure: the master mold is placed on the coated photosensitive adhesive, and after exposure, the light-receiving part of the photosensitive adhesive is polymerized.
Development: put the exposed metal into the developer, the unexposed photosensitive glue is dissolved, and the exposed part is left to form a pattern.
Corrosion: put the developed metal into the corrosive liquid, and the metal surface will be corroded to form the required shape according to the different corrosion time and concentration.
Removing the film: removing the photosensitive adhesive from the metal surface to expose the metal surface with the required shape.
Post-treatment: cleaning, drying, polishing and other treatments to make the metal surface achieve the required smoothness and accuracy.
3, the application field of metal etching processing
Aerospace: Metal etching is widely used in the aerospace field to manufacture various precision parts and structural parts, such as aircraft engine blades and rocket nozzles.
Electronics: In the field of electronics, metal etching is used to manufacture circuit boards, micro-electronic components and sensors.
Automobile: In automobile manufacturing, metal etching is used to manufacture automobile parts, such as engine parts and brake system parts.
Medical treatment: In the medical field, metal etching is used to manufacture high-precision medical equipment such as medical instruments and implants.
Precision manufacturing: In the field of precision manufacturing, metal etching is used to manufacture various high-precision parts and tools.
4, how to choose a metal etching factory?
At present, there are many metal etching manufacturers in the market, and how to choose a reliable manufacturer is the key. Here are some suggestions for choosing a manufacturer:
Understand the strength of manufacturers: choosing a strong manufacturer can ensure the production capacity and quality. You can know the strength of the manufacturer by looking at its qualification certificate, factory scale and equipment configuration.
Inspection of product quality: The product quality of a manufacturer is one of the key factors in choosing a manufacturer. We can know the quality of products by on-the-spot investigation of the manufacturer‘s production process and product inspection report.
Compare prices: the prices of different manufacturers will be different, so you need to compare and choose according to your own needs and budget. At the same time, we need to pay attention to whether the manufacturer‘s quotation is reasonable and transparent, and whether there are hidden costs.
Understand after-sales service: The after-sales service of the manufacturer is also one of the important factors in choosing the manufacturer. A good manufacturer should provide perfect after-sales service, including product maintenance and quality assurance.